Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Section 4 Assessment, Chapter 3 Pg 93

Pg. 93

1. Most successful colonies had constitutions that helped make different social classes more equal. The rich were always treated better, but after constitutions the slaves, indentured servants, and the poor had more rights. The people that were in debt, known as debtors, however gave people no reason to give them any respect. When tenant farmers came over they paid an annual rent and worked for an estate folder for a fixed number of days each year. Religion was a big deal, and missions tried to convert people to a specific one. If you didn't agree you'd be persecuted.

2. They had little interest in the large-scale settlement in North America. Their main concern was fishing and trapping animals for their fur.

3. She was brave and forceful, and was the first women lawyer in America. She put down a rebellion against Virginia even though she later moved there after demanding the government to give her two votes, one for herself as a landowner and one as Lord Baltimore's legal representative. She played a big roll in their government.

4. Bacon's rebellion gave other's the idea that if someone disagrees with the government or how it's being run, they are able to rebel against that. It shows that it's possible, so other troubles would surely come.

5. Spain controlled most of Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. They also expanded into the western and southern parts of America.
    France controlled Northern Canada.

6. Virginia had Norfolk.
    The main products in Georgia were indigo and rice.
    Charlestown was the major city in South Carolina.

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