Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Comprehension Questions

Comprehension Questions:

#3.)The puritans wanted religious freedom, and land to set up colonies.

#4.) Puritans believed that placing settlements on land was the only way to actually own it. They babied their wives, and thought that the natives were lazy for making their wives do their work. Puritans believed that total war was the way to get rid of their enemies, or the natives.
Pequots didn't believe that you owned the land, they just used it for the time being. Men of the Pequot culture just went out and hunted so all the other work was left for their wives and woman. Pequots believed in peace, not genocide like the English. 

#5.) The Dutch who favored trade didn't live on the natives land, and wanted to keep the peace with them. The English were looking to place permanent settlements, they weren't looking to make friends. The Dutch's goals were to obviously succeed, and become more wealthy. The English wanted to control trade and have the land which was good for harvesting.

#12.) The massacre at the Mystic acceptable for the English to take over the natives land by war. This lead to many more problems between cultures.

Primary Source Exploration:

#1.) John Winthrop envisioned a gentle, understanding, and patient community that works together to survive. I think a colony of this standard would be possible if everyone tried to contribute, help and take care of each other.

#2.) God will be watching their community, and their city upon a hill is them standing out.

#3.) No, no one ever considered the natives equal, and instead used them and treated them inadequate. Winthrops visions was for peace and so the Puritans didn't uphold them.

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