Monday, September 27, 2010

History Questions Page 106 #1-6

1. In New England, the population grew and when more and more people started immigrating to the colony finding food became difficult. Farming was the main economic activity, nut they were small, and were known as subsistent farming. This meant they produced only enough to meet the needs of their families with little left over to sell or exchange. New England was also a big part of trading, and they followed routes like the Triangular Trade that was formed like a triangle. Some of the other colonies, who had enough for themselves, traded crops known as cash crops that were sold easily.

2. The middle colonies economic activities included trading cash crops, wheat, and other cash crops. They also had industries where some were home-based crafts such as carpentry and flour making. Some other larger businesses were lumbering, mining, and small-scale manufacturing.

3. It helped New England trade things they had as natural resources to make up for the things they didn't like crops for their families. It also attracted people to try different things like shoemakers and blacksmiths.

4. (underlined is what is in common)
New England--> Farming was the main economic activity in all the colonies, but New England farms were smaller than those farther south. Long winters and thin, rocky soil made large-scale farming difficult. They practiced subsistence farming. Most Northern farmers relied on their children for labor.
Southern Colonies--> The Southern Colonies were well suited for farming with it's rich soil and a warm climate. They could cultivate large areas of land and produce harvests of cash crops. Most of the settlers made their living from farming the land so they didn't have the need to develop commerce or industry. Tobacco and rice were big crops in the Southern Colonies.

5. Their indentured servants became scarce and expensive, and because tobacco was such a big cash crop, it required a lot of labor. Enslaved Africans were cheap and helpful workman for their fields.

6. British Colonies-->Great Britain
rice tobacco, indigo, furs

West Indies-->British Colonies

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