Friday, October 8, 2010

Questions Part 2

1) Why do only the Mohawk agree to fight with General Johnson?

It was a white man's war, no other native tribe wanted to sacrifice or shed the blood of their people.

2) What are the results of the Battle of Lake George?

The results of the Battle of Lake George was that the French retreated, and 150 French colonials died. The Mohawks went home to mourn their dead of about 30 warriors.

3) For what purposes did the Native Americans take captive? (List three)
       1. Weapon against intruders
       2. Ransom
       3. To replace warriors or family members killed in battle

4) Why is the story of Mary Jemison presented? What purpose does it serve?

Mary Jemison's story was presented because it showed what happened to some of the people taken by the natives, and what they had to go through. Her family was killed and left behind, but she was taken back to their home to replace a diseased warrior. It was an example as to what happened to some of the people held as prisoners.

5) Do you agree with Washington's disciplinary practices on deserters? Why or why not?

I think the idea of wanting his warriors to be the best of his time is a good goal to go for, but I think the way he tried to achieve it was kind of cruel. He wanted to scare his soldiers, but he could have just sent them into battle and had them be frightened there. The two men who didn't want to fight that were hung should have had a different punishment and sent on their way.

6) Who is Montcalm and why doesn't he like the Natives?

Molcalm was a French Commander who saw the Natives as savages. Trying to have them cooperate was problematic, but no matter how much he disliked them, he wanted to use them.

7) What are the Native Americans code of honor? How does this differ from the Europeans' Code of War?

The Natives were basically pillagers when it came to battle, they fought and collected valuables worth keeping or trading. Their captives were brought back to the village to take the place of the dead. The Europeans let the survivors go.

8) Discuss the culture clash that happens at Fort William Henry.

They considered a handful of different things disrespectful when the Europeans and French were involved because of their differences. When Montcalm didn't allow them to pillage anything from the dead, or take any survivors they became angry. The dinner between the British and French disregarding the Natives was rude, and that's how they felt. 

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