Friday, October 15, 2010

History Part 3

1) How did the French and Indian War turn into a World Conflict? How did this affect North America?
    The war was fueled by the want of land, and because everyone wanted the same places, it was a world conflict. It affected North America because there was never really a place that was owned by one country for a long period of time.

2) How do the British treat Washington when he asks for a Royal Commission? Why do they turn him down?
He didn’t have many successful battles, only the one that helped trigger the war. Because he had little success they didn’t think he needed a promotion, and instead laughed at him and sent him off.

3) How doe Pitt's policies change the colonists attitudes toward the war?
    By granting the colonists most of what they want, he changes their attitude towards the war in a positive way.

4) Describe the Battle of Ticonderoga?
    Montcalm is outnumbered by thousands of men, but still defeats General Abercrombie by building defenses that make England’s job harder. Montcalm easy defeats the English, and only a few of his men died. Getting supplies is crucial to Montcalm’s men.

5) What was the western supply post for the French? How did it fall?
    All of Montcalm’s supplies were at that post, and when the English took it over, it ended up being a disaster.

6) Why is the St. Lawrence River important?
     The St. Lawrence River was like a highway that allowed an easy path through the dense forest and an easy route to get people from place to place. 

7) What are the reasons the natives leave the French side?
    1. General Forbes makes the relationship between the British and the Indians better, and helped destroy the relationship between the French and Indians.  Indians could make peace, or break peace when peace was made. Forbes anistaries promises the Natives that they just want to drive the French out.
    2. The French don’t help the Natives, and don’t give them the supplies to help them survive against diseases like smallpox.

8) Why do the Virginians (under Washington) and the Pennsylvanians clash over Forge's road? What does this say about the colonies?
    They made a mistake because it was foggy and they couldn’t determine who they were actually fighting against.

9) Pittsburg is named after who?
    Pittsborough a prime minister of Britain.

10) How do you feel about George Washington and his participation in the French and Indian War? Why?
I feel that George Washington didn’t have enough experience to lead people through battles and the war. He seemed to make things worse rather than make anything better.  He was even in battle against his own side. He’s lucky his bravery saved his career.

1 comment:

  1. Look at questions 1 and 5. Also question 9 - William Pitt.
