Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Don't Know Much About History

1) Why does the author suggest that John Brown had a sense of humor?

When President Buchanan put a price of $20 on his head, Brown responded with a bounty of two dollars and fifty cents of Buchanan’s.

2)What was John Brown's plan?

Brown’s plan was to march south, arm the slaves who would flock to his crusade, and establish a black republic in the Appalachians to wage war against the slaveholding south.

3) Why did John Brown become a symbol?

He became a symbol because he was thought to be a martyr ‘in a just cause’. People overlooked his craziness and instead glorified him. Thoreau compared Brown to Christ, and Emerson wrote that Brown’s hanging would “make the gallows as glorious as the cross.”

4)When and why did South Carolina succeed from the Union?

Within days of Lincoln’s election in 1860 was when South Carolina legislature voted to secede from the Union.

5)List some of the advantages of the North at the beginning of the war. List some of the advantages of the South at the beginning of the war.

North: Had more states which were occupied by more people who were able to work at more factories. The North had more railroad, bank deposits, and gold specie’s. The outproduced the South in agricultural products and livestock holdings. The railroads helped them increase their wartime supplies and ship them efficiently.

South: There home-field advantage - familiarity with terrain, popular partisan support, and the motivation of defending the homeland. The U.S army was mainly led by the Southerners who backed them (the Northern leaders were from Urban areas who spoke little to no English). They were for the most part better riders, more at home with weaponry, and showed a greater martial spirit.

6) List some of the (5) famous battles of the Civil War with a brief description of each.

Battle of Bull Run: In Virginia, Confederate armies under General Joseph E. Johnston and Beaurard rout Union Troops. Confederate General Thomas J. Jackson was given the nickname ‘Stonewall’ for his leadership of the stand made by his troops that turned the tide of the battle. After this war the Congress passed the first income-tax law, and enlistment periods increased from three months to two years. 

Second Battle of Bull Run: Confederate Generals Lee, Jackson, and James Longstreet defeat Union forces under General John Pope forcing Union troops to evacuate all the way back to Washington. The Confederates pushed the Union armies from the gates of Richmond all the way back to the Union capital. 

Battle of Antietam: (Sharpsburg, Maryland) McClellan anticipates Lee’s strategy when he takes the offensive after Pope’s retreat. The dead and wounded exceed 10,000 for both sides on the bloodiest day of the battle when McClellan’s Union forces meet Lee’s advancing army. Lee pulls back but McClellan doesn’t pursue the retreating Confederate army. The battle was a critical turning point when Lee’s offensive stalled. Battle of 

Fredericksburg: (Virginia) General Burnside’s Union troops are routed by Lee with severe casualties, losing 12,000 to the Confederates 5,000.

Battle of Chancellorsville: (Virginia) Losses for both sides exceed 10,000 men. Lee’s army defeats Hooker’s Army of the Potomac. Stonewall Jackson’s decisions forces the Union to withdrawal. He was mistakenly shot by a Confederate soldier and died of pneumonia on May 10, costing the Confederates one of their most effective field generals. 

Battle of Gettysburg: Confederate troops in search for shoes meet up with a detachment of Union cavalry. In three days of fighting was the final turning point of the war. The Union army takes a strong defensive position and turns back repeated Confederate assaults. Confederate losses reach 28,000 killed, wounded, or missing, a third of the army’s effective strength, to the Union’s 23,000. Lee retreats to Virginia, and Lincoln wants the remnants of the Confederate army destroyed, ending the war. 

Battle of Chickamauga: (Georgia) Union armies are defeated by Confederates under General Braxton Bragg. Casualties are extremely high for both sides: Confederates-18,000, Union-16,000. The Union army retreats to Chattanooga.

7) How do you view Lincoln's suspension of "the writ of habeas corpus"?

I disagree with it because Lincoln made it while the congress was out of session, and there weren't really any good reason for it. It made it okay to detain thousands without firm charges and due process of the law. 

8) What if Lee's plan had not been found at the battle of Antiem?

If Lee's plan hadn't been found out and been given to McClennan the South probably would have won not only the battle of Antiem but also the whole Civil War.

9) What was the reconstruction?

It was a to rebuild the South and allow them to be apart of the Union. It would readmit states after they had ratified the thirteenth amendment. The Southern states were to accept the fourteenth amendment, and adopt the beliefs of the northern states. It allowed blacks to be apart of voting and politics. 

10) Why did the Klu Klux Klan form?

It was white southerns that rebelled against the reconstruction of colored people being able to be apart of politics. They frightened not only colored people but also white politicians. 

11) Discuss Andrew Johnson's impeachment.

He challenged the law's constitutionality, and tried to dismiss War Secretary Edwin M. Stanton, an ally of the Radical Republicans. The House promptly impeached him: he was the first president to ever be impeached. Under Article II section 4 of the constitution the president may be impeached if they are convicted of briber, treason or other high crimes.

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