Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Study Questions For Final Chapter 9

1) Discuss the significance of Thomas Jefferson's quote: "A little rebellion now and then is a good thing...God forbid that we should ever be twenty year without such a rebellion...The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
    A little rebellion now and then is a good thing and it proves that freedom is limited. He’s one of the main people in the government yet he says it’s alright for people to rebel against sometimes.

2) Why did Shay's Rebellion happen?
    It started because the government was excessively taxing the people who couldn’t pay off their debt or pay taxes alone.

3) The constitution is "a political creation, hammered together in a series of artfully negotiated compromises. Discuss these compromises.
    The slaves (3/5 compromise), how presidents are elected, and how everyone is represented in congress.

4) What was the Virginia Plan?
    The Virginia plan key points were a bicameral (two chamber) legislature; an executive chosen by the legislature; a judiciary also named by the legislature.

5) "No person held in service" was a euphemism for what?
     It was a euphemism for slaves.

6) List the basic Powers and Checks of the three branches of the government.
    The three branches of government are the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial. The Executive branch is basically the President of the United States, whose powers are directing the government, commanding the armed forces, dealing with foreign powers, and vetoing laws. The Legislative branch is the Congress. The powers include passing laws, originating spending bills (House), impeaching officials (Senate), and approving treaties (Senate). The Judicial branch is our justice system which is headed by the Supreme Court. Its powers are interpreting the Constitution, reviewing laws, and deciding states' rights. The Executive branch can check the Legislative by vetoing laws or other decisions made. The Legislative can check the Executive right back by overriding the veto. The Judicial is the giant law enforcement system who can govern the other two branches, but is also subject to laws made by them.

7) Who wrote the Federalist Papers and why did they write them?
    Hamilton, Madison, and John Jay. They were trying to influence the ratification debate.

8) Briefly outline the first ten amendments.
  • 1. Freedom of speech, religion, and the press, and the freedom peacefully demonstrate.
  • 2. Right to form a militia and bear arms in a sovereign state.
  • 3. Protection from having to quarter troops.
  • 4. Protection of privacy and from unreasonable search/seizure.
  • 5. Protects your right to due process, covers double jeopardy and self-incrimination.
  • 6. Discusses trial by jury and the rights of the accused, the confrontation clause, and right to a speedy and public trial and right to competent counsel.
  • 7. Civil trial by jury
  • 8. Prohibits excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment.
  • 9. Protects all rights that are not specifically talked about in the Constitution.
  • 10. Discusses the power of states and of the people.
9) Who could vote in the first election (what parts of the population)?
    Only white wealthy men who owned a certain amount of land were allowed to vote.

10) How did Washington D.C. come be located on the banks of the Potomac?
    It was an agreement because they wanted it to be close to Virginia because it was the biggest state.
Jefferson, Madison and Hamilton made the compromise.

11) What did Jay's Treaty do?
    It was a treaty to avoid war with the British.

12) What was the "Whiskey Rebellion" and how was it put down?
    It was a response to harsh whiskey taxes, and the defeat against it was lead by Washington and 13,000 men. It was pathetic.

13) Describe the election of 1800? How was it finally resolved?
    It was supposed to be between Jefferson and Adams but instead it was Jefferson and Burr of the same party. It was resolved because he convinced one of the federalists to change their vote. He hated Burr way more than he did Jefferson.

14) Who was John Marshall?
       John Marshall was a judge who shaped American Constitutional law and made the Supreme Court what it is today, he gave it power.

15) Why did France sell its North America possessions (the Louisiana territory) to the U.S.?
      They sold it because they were fighting Britain in Europe and other places in the world, so they didn't really have the resources to hold the Louisiana Territory, especially after losing Haiti.

16) What did Lewis and Clark do? Describe their journey?
     They started from St. Louis and continued west. They had been sent by Jefferson to get into the fur trade and see if the west could be useful in the military defense of America. They were sent to inventory resources and chart the land for future exploration. It took them three years.

17) How did Hamilton incur the wrath of Aaron Burr? Was he right in what he did? How did the ordeal end?
    He argued that Jefferson should win the election, and he did. He also spread rumors about Burr so that he wouldn't become governor of New York. Hamilton was right in arguing for Jefferson, but he crossed the line when he spread rumors about Burr. He had the right to argue for or against whatever candidate he wanted to, but he shouldn't have spread lies. It ended in a duel, because Burr slapped Hamilton with a glove, but Hamilton wasted his shot because he didn't believe in fighting.

18) What was Jefferson's Embargo Act? Why was it unpopular and what was it suppose to do?
    It was a law restricting American ships from engaging in foreign trade. It was unpopular because a lot of trade was done with Britain and other major powers, so it lowered the American economy and made it so a large part of their trade was shut down. It was supposed to avoid war, but instead it led to the War of 1812.

19) What did Tecumseh try and do?
     He tried to unite the Native Americans from Michigan all the way down to Alabama against the encroaching settlers in order to fight off western expansion.

20) Describe the Battle of Tippecanoe?
    It was between U.S. forces and the Native American Confederation. The Natives kept threatening the Americans with war if they didn't back off, and so the Americans attacked first. The Americans won but they has a lot of casualties.

21) Most historians call the War of 1812 a draw. Why?
     It wasn't really fought for a purpose. Neither side was passionate about their side or had a big reason to fight. The treaty at the end of the war basically puts things back the way they were, and nobody gains anything from it, at least not anything new.

22) Describe the Battle of New Orleans.
    Final major battle of the war of 1812. Regarded as the greatest American land victory of the war. Andrew Jackson defeated the British.

23) What did the Monroe Doctrine state?
    The Americas were no longer open to European colonization, and that America would be the only power threat.

24) What was the Missouri Compromise?
    The Missouri Compromise said that all states above a certain latitude would remain slave free, except Missouri. All states below the latitude could still own slaves.

25) How was the election of 1824 decided? Why was it called a "corrupt bargain"?
    It was decided in the House of Representatives. It was the only election since the passage of the 12th amendment that was decided this way because there was no majority in the electoral college.

26) List some of the labels attached to Andrew Jackson.
    Slave owner, murderer, adulterer, orphan, frontiersman, horse racing man, Indian-fighter, war hero, land speculator.

27) Was Andrew Jackson an Indian hater? What did the natives call him? What "Indian Wars" did he fight in and what was the outcome? What was his native "policy" as President?
    Andrew Jackson was not an Indian hater, he just wanted land, and the Indians had it. He wasn't the biggest fan of their people, but racism wasn't his driving motivation. He was called 'long knife'. He fought in the Creek War and the white people won that won, removing the Creek from half of their lands. He fought against the Seminoles, which he also won, and Florida's land was sold cheap. He also fought in the war of 1812, which is now considered a draw. His 'policy' as president was to tell the Natives either assimilate, leave, or get killed.

28) How did Jackson come to symbolize the common people?
    He worked his way up from being very poor to being extremely rich and in a position of power. 

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