Monday, September 27, 2010

History Questions Page 113 #1-6

1. England exported goods to sell to other countries to make money. North America where Connecticut and Rhode Island are were places that England liked to trade with. They were known as charter colonies that were established by settlers who had been given a charter or a grant of rights and privileges. They were able to elect their own government. Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania are colonies that are owned by someone called a Proprietary colony, and they are able to rule freely. Through cultures, work, and government there are apprentices who learn certain tasks. Eventually, England's literacy improved which meant they were able to read and write.

2. The family was very important to the colonial life. Women worked in the household as well as on the farm. They cooked for the men and children, and also spun yarn, made clothes, tended chickens and cows. Sometimes they also helped on the fields side to side with the working men.
Women still didn’t have any political rights like voting, but they were able to attend chuch meetings.

3. North America was viewed by Enland as an economic resource, and they provided them with raw materials. As trade grows, the nation will become more powerful. To become more powerful, England had to export more goods than imported. To make certain that only England benefited from trade with the colonies, they made the Navigation Act to direct the flow of goods between England and the colonies. The colonies got upset because they couldn't use foreign ships even if the ships offered cheaper rates. It also prevented the colonists from sending out certain products they couldn't obtain anymore outside of the England empire. It started to make the colonists less powerful.

4. Joh Peter Zenger’s wrote an article that was critical against the royal governor of New York. His case was judged by a jury, and Andrew Hamilton defended Zenger’s article because he believed that free speech was a basic right for English people. Andrew told the jury to base their decision on wether his article was true, not wether it was offensive.

5.The Great Awakening-->
RELIGION: The religions were spread-->all over America it was a religious revival and many new churches were formed.
EDUCATION: People began to become educated--> New England and Pennsylvania set up school systems to assure everyone could read.
FAMILY & CULTURE--> The people of the world are all equal in front of god.  

6. First Established by Stephan Daye in 1639. They probably communicated by sending letters, or just by word.

History Questions Page 106 #1-6

1. In New England, the population grew and when more and more people started immigrating to the colony finding food became difficult. Farming was the main economic activity, nut they were small, and were known as subsistent farming. This meant they produced only enough to meet the needs of their families with little left over to sell or exchange. New England was also a big part of trading, and they followed routes like the Triangular Trade that was formed like a triangle. Some of the other colonies, who had enough for themselves, traded crops known as cash crops that were sold easily.

2. The middle colonies economic activities included trading cash crops, wheat, and other cash crops. They also had industries where some were home-based crafts such as carpentry and flour making. Some other larger businesses were lumbering, mining, and small-scale manufacturing.

3. It helped New England trade things they had as natural resources to make up for the things they didn't like crops for their families. It also attracted people to try different things like shoemakers and blacksmiths.

4. (underlined is what is in common)
New England--> Farming was the main economic activity in all the colonies, but New England farms were smaller than those farther south. Long winters and thin, rocky soil made large-scale farming difficult. They practiced subsistence farming. Most Northern farmers relied on their children for labor.
Southern Colonies--> The Southern Colonies were well suited for farming with it's rich soil and a warm climate. They could cultivate large areas of land and produce harvests of cash crops. Most of the settlers made their living from farming the land so they didn't have the need to develop commerce or industry. Tobacco and rice were big crops in the Southern Colonies.

5. Their indentured servants became scarce and expensive, and because tobacco was such a big cash crop, it required a lot of labor. Enslaved Africans were cheap and helpful workman for their fields.

6. British Colonies-->Great Britain
rice tobacco, indigo, furs

West Indies-->British Colonies

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Comprehension Questions

Comprehension Questions:

#3.)The puritans wanted religious freedom, and land to set up colonies.

#4.) Puritans believed that placing settlements on land was the only way to actually own it. They babied their wives, and thought that the natives were lazy for making their wives do their work. Puritans believed that total war was the way to get rid of their enemies, or the natives.
Pequots didn't believe that you owned the land, they just used it for the time being. Men of the Pequot culture just went out and hunted so all the other work was left for their wives and woman. Pequots believed in peace, not genocide like the English. 

#5.) The Dutch who favored trade didn't live on the natives land, and wanted to keep the peace with them. The English were looking to place permanent settlements, they weren't looking to make friends. The Dutch's goals were to obviously succeed, and become more wealthy. The English wanted to control trade and have the land which was good for harvesting.

#12.) The massacre at the Mystic acceptable for the English to take over the natives land by war. This lead to many more problems between cultures.

Primary Source Exploration:

#1.) John Winthrop envisioned a gentle, understanding, and patient community that works together to survive. I think a colony of this standard would be possible if everyone tried to contribute, help and take care of each other.

#2.) God will be watching their community, and their city upon a hill is them standing out.

#3.) No, no one ever considered the natives equal, and instead used them and treated them inadequate. Winthrops visions was for peace and so the Puritans didn't uphold them.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Section 4 Assessment, Chapter 3 Pg 93

Pg. 93

1. Most successful colonies had constitutions that helped make different social classes more equal. The rich were always treated better, but after constitutions the slaves, indentured servants, and the poor had more rights. The people that were in debt, known as debtors, however gave people no reason to give them any respect. When tenant farmers came over they paid an annual rent and worked for an estate folder for a fixed number of days each year. Religion was a big deal, and missions tried to convert people to a specific one. If you didn't agree you'd be persecuted.

2. They had little interest in the large-scale settlement in North America. Their main concern was fishing and trapping animals for their fur.

3. She was brave and forceful, and was the first women lawyer in America. She put down a rebellion against Virginia even though she later moved there after demanding the government to give her two votes, one for herself as a landowner and one as Lord Baltimore's legal representative. She played a big roll in their government.

4. Bacon's rebellion gave other's the idea that if someone disagrees with the government or how it's being run, they are able to rebel against that. It shows that it's possible, so other troubles would surely come.

5. Spain controlled most of Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. They also expanded into the western and southern parts of America.
    France controlled Northern Canada.

6. Virginia had Norfolk.
    The main products in Georgia were indigo and rice.
    Charlestown was the major city in South Carolina.

Section 3 Assessment, Chapter 3 Pg 85

Pg. 85

1.) The early colonies and settlers all had their own ideas of religion which affected their government. New Amsterdam, which was eventually taken over by England, had patroons which were wealthy landowners who received land for bringing over 50 settlers. After they took over New Amsterdam, they renamed it New York, and ran it as a proprietary colony. New York was a place of ethnic and religious diversity, as was Pennsylvania. There, lived the Quakers who people saw as a threat to establish traditions. They were pacifists who were kind and refused to use force or fight in a wars.

2. Gave the colonists the right to elect representatives to the legislature assembly.

3. Penn believed that the land belonged to the Native Americans and that settlers should pay for it. He helped negotiate with the Native Americans in a civil manner.

4. The Quaker's believed that every individual had an 'inner light' that could guide them through salvation. They thought everyone was equal in God's eyes, and because of this they wouldn't bow to the king or queen. They were tolerant of other people's views, and were kind, and refused to fight in war or use force to harm others. The puritans thought that church services and officials were necessary when the  Quakers didn't.

5. New York had a Proprietary Colony which was where one man controlled the government.
    New Jersey had a representative assembly.
    North Pennsylvania was able to elect representatives to the legislative assembly.
    South Pennsylvania could form their own legislature.

6. THE MIDDLE COLONIES; grain, cattle, fish, lumber, rum, and iron.
       Grain, cattle, lumber, rum and iron were important to Pennsylvania.